Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Midterm homework

The midterm assignment was a tough one for me, since I really didn't know what to create for a historical collage. I thought about using Halloween as a theme for the collage, but couldn't figure out how to compose such a theme--even as I'm looking for images to use. I was also thinking about the Cuban Missile Crisis as a theme, but also wondering how to compose such a theme. When I saw the background map, showing the red circles on how far the Cuban missiles would strike into the U.S., the theme came together. The map was the inspiration for the entire collage. I worked like mad trying to get this assignment done in the last couple of days before the due date. If I had more time, I would have loved to extend the map circles over the border photos, showing how far they extended around the map of the U.S. I tried to draw circles using Photoshop, with as close of a color to the map circles, but such circles came out way too thick, and I was doing this at around 11pm at night that the midterm project was due. At that point, it was the best I could do for such a short time.

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